On his way to school one morning, Pascal (Lamorisse’s real-life son), has a chance encounter with his soon-to-be new best friend: a truly anthropormorphic, large, red balloon. Like a doting pet, it not only follows him to school, (drawing stares and creating a classroom commotion) but, like any truly faithful side-kick, it dutifully awaits his dismissal; allowing the two "buddies" to continue on their day’s adventure, and the mischief that's bound to ensue. This film definitely gives a whole new meaning to the term "a flight of fancy."
You may remember that in 2007, Juliette Binoche starred in a modern version of this piece titled, Flight of The Red Balloon. Even though she is one of my favorite actresses, "Flight" never really took off for me. (Pun intended.) It reminded me of when a singer covers a classic song by an iconic artist; Some things are better left untouched.