Sidenote: Earlier this week, there was a report that Oprah Winfrey was shopping (or trying to) at an upscale store in Zurich (she was in Switzerland for Tina Turner's wedding) and, after asking to see an expensive handbag, was told no because she could not afford it! (Now, that's funny.) In this film, Oprah plays a character whose prime was during a most tumultuous time in our nation; when racism did not hide behind closed doors, but often sat out on the front porch for a passerby to see and hear. Now, a half of a century later, even someone in her position is still experiencing the same ignorance her character (and her) would have expected to experience some 40, 50, 60 years ago. (And I thought Switzerland was known for being neutral?)
Video via IMDB
Oprah: Ralph Lauren & Family | Films: "for colored girls..." | Super Black: American Pop Culture & Black Superheroes |