alongside my father. Of course, my razor was acrylic and without an actual blade, but it still offered the thrill of performing "big boy" activities. Much to my father's chagrin, he quickly realized that the best part of this ritual for me was furiously shaking his can of Barbasol Shaving Foam and lathering up - so much so that surely my face must have resembled that of a snow-capped mountain (or Frosty). After nearly drowning in foam that very first time, I quickly learned that it was not necessary to have the foam creep upwards past my eyebrows and outwards towards my ears. But, oh what fun I had!
This Sterling Silver Razor & Brush Set from The Art of Shaving, while stunning, is definitely for the man who doesn't look at price tags (or, at least, his wife/girlfriend doesn't, should she decide to surprise him with this amazing gift.) Originally priced at $3,400.00, I just looked at the website and it's good to know that the set has been gently reduced to $1,700.00. (Whatever became of the cost efficient disposable Bic razors?) I don't know if it's because I started my grooming regimen so terribly early, but over the years I've come to absolutely loathe the tedious task of shaving. But of course, maybe if I had a sterling silver razor and brush set, then...